Monday, May 4, 2015

CRAMMING CRACK - The app to crack the code for better grades

So for one of our FUN projects for this class we had to create an app in groups. My group decided to create an app we would like to use ourselves! We came up with "Cramming Crack" which is kind of based on the already existing entertainment-app Trivia Crack, which probably most UNL students have played at least once! 

The purpose was to help students study, in a FUN way! We also wanted teachers to have access to it through Blackboard so they can start using it as a fun substitute for "boring and old" exam study guides!

Anyone that played Trivia Crack before knows it is quite easy to learn how to play: 

Choose cotegory (JOMC 101)àSpin the wheel àAnswer question the wheel lands on àGreen check mark shows up next to the right answer àIf you pick the RIGHT one, you get a STAR!



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