Monday, May 4, 2015


This is my very first course within Journalism College that is straightly related to my major in Advertising and Public Relations. I have enjoyed this class a lot since I have learned something new in lecture every day. I have learned how far back the history of the media industry actually goes – from the first tools of communication to today’s smartphones and iPads. I now have a greater view and understanding of the merge between different media patios, such as the merge from radio to television.

I think it has been very giving to have guest speakers come in and lecture and answer questions. From the guest speakers I have gotten a better idea of how it is like to work within the industry - what the industry expects of you and what you can expect of the industry. Now I have a greater understanding of how much independence, hard-work, and “thinking outside the box” are valued in the industry. The guest speaker I remember most is the person on the “Diversity team” that talked about how important it is to “stick out”, “be unique” and most of all “not be afraid to be yourself and always remember where you are from…” By listening to all of the guest speakers talking about diversity, I realized that even if I might be different- it is a good thing in this industry and I should not be afraid to use that to my advantage!

In this course I have also learned about how problematic this industry can be regarding ethics. Within this industry there are always a lot of different people you need to pay respect to, and you always have to watch what you express- in speech, writing, pictures, or any kind of communication. I have also learned how harsh this industry will be on you, as a journalist for an example, if you make a mistake. The industry is not always forgiving, and that is mostly because it is so open for the public. And the public’s opinion is usually very strong. The “Brian Williams Scandal” is an example of a professional within this industry making a mistake and having a hard time to make a come-back, if it will ever even be possible.

After taking this course I have an understanding of how this industry is ever-changing. With new technologies being presented in a fast pace as it does today, there is always new communication strategies developed. All the different media platforms that exist today keeps developing into more perfected versions and social media is growing bigger each day together with the internet. Today’s technology and media platforms are merging, but the only possible question to ask today is; what is it merging into next?

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